Case Study

Food Franchise Uses Software to Embark on Rapid Expansion of their Footprint

About the company

The company is a public company that owns multiple food brands. They operate 2000+ restaurants in 400+ cities in multiple countries. The company is a large player in the markets they serve. They intend to massively increase their footprint in the next few years.

However, their current systems do not support the scale they are expecting.

25000+ employees
2000+ outlets
400+ cities
The Process

The company operates 2000+ restaurants for multiple food brands in several countries. The company has a powerhouse technology team that has built a world-class tech infrastructure for their D2C needs and store operations.

However, a lot of backend processes were performed via manual processes, spreadsheets, and communication channels because the company did not have the technology bandwidth to address these gaps.


The company's rapid expansion plan meant that all the involved Business Development, Operations, and Finance teams had to operate at speed.


The company had a very elaborate New Store Opening process that was unique to their business needs. Teams had to adhere to process timelines.


While the company had well-defined processes for opening new stores, it was impossible for teams because it involved too many different tools or channels.

The Hubler New Store Opening Software

Even the best-defined processes break down when your people have to manage them with calls, texts, and shared spreadsheets.

The Approach

The client has handled their new store opening with a blend of people, processes, and tools. While it has served them well over time, they have acknowledged that it may not be the best way forward. In addition, they have lost out on potentially valuable data about properties, attributes, landlords, environments, and prices about all the properties they had scouted over the years.

Hubler suggested that the client use Hubler' New Store Opening software on a pilot.

Configurable NSO Workflows

Hubler's NSO software is built on the premise that flexibility and configurability is the primary need for any NSO software. So, Hubler was able to very quickly configure the entire software for the client's processes. The software fit the needs of every team involved, with built-in notifications and reminders for pending tasks:

1. Data collection and submission from field teams via a mobile app when they scout for locations.
2. Web-based dashboards and task views for backend teams responsible for analyzing and approving locations.
3. Automated handoffs for approvals, escalations, and tasks based on configurable business rules.
4. Unified application to onboard landlord and the lease contracts for new stores, simplifying ongoing relationship management and operational payments.

The entire NSO team, from BD to Operations, Finance, Legal, and Vendor Management, operated off a single software. They were able to quickly move away from multiple spreadsheets and communication channels to ensure that all their valuable property related data was available in one place and secured.

Property Intelligence

  • The NSO software, apart from streamlining and simplifying workflows, gave the company incredible levels of data and intelligence about property, their availability, and key attributes.

    The property-level data offers the company a golden source of intelligence about the market, individual territories, a database of landlords, and a ready source of properties for future expansion and consideration. In addition, lease data greatly enabled lease negotiations and re-negotiations.

    This data will be useful for the company as it further establishes itself in near-saturated markets and for rapid expansions into new regions.

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Hubbler has helped automate a complicated, multi-level business process in less than a week. Our processing time is now 60% faster and everything is approved on time. Our team likes using the slick mobile app and our vendors love the self-serve portal.

Tony Fernandes
CIO, DreamSoft

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